I’m a digital marketer based in Brooklyn, NY with about 4.5 years of experience in this field. Over the years, I’ve found myself in a few different roles from Manager of Digital Marketing at a Chamber of Commerce to Coordinator of Marketing & Advertising at a small airport in Ohio, but eventually I found that working for myself was my real passion.

I launched Little Guy in 2023, which has been a big leap, but I’m looking forward to growing this business and working with new people! If you have any questions or just want to connect, send me a message in the contact form & I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Fun Fact:

I love to travel! I’ve visited 19 countries & 4 continents so far. I love working for myself as it gives me that freedom to continue to explore and travel while I help people from all over to develop their digital marketing strategies.

More About the biz!

  • Little Guy Digital Marketing is a digital marketing agency dedicated to helping fellow small and growing businesses to compete in the evolving and competitive digital landscape of today. We’re here to help the little guys compete with the big dogs.

  • Today we have unlimited access to our customers. We can reach them at any time of the day, 24/7, no matter what they’re doing. Whether they’re on their phone, their laptop, watching TV, or even running errands, we can reach them or track them and their habits. This is both a blessing and a curse, as not every business has the time, knowledge and means of utilizing and taking advantage of this access. Small business owners especially face this issue. That’s what Little Guy Digital Marketing is here to do: to help businesses understand how to best use digital marketing, as well as implement, track, and manage it all for them.

  • Research, analysis and reporting are my best friends in developing an effective digital marketing strategy and impactful recommendations for my clients. I use my background as a Master’s student in Digital Marketing, four years of experience in the field, and prior client work to inform my process and my decisions alongside that research to deliver for my clients.

  • Little Guy is different than other digital marketing agencies for a few key reasons: I offer personalized digital marketing recommendations based on dedicated research on you and your industry. It’s just me working at this agency, so clients are guaranteed one-on-one time to speak directly with me on their goals, ideas, and thoughts 24/7. And as a small business myself, clients can expect flexibility on everything from custom built digital marketing plans, understanding on limited budgets, and guidance regarding unique needs/obstacles their business may have. Finally, I’m here to make the client’s vision come through, so they can expect creative freedom and opportunities to offer their inputs and opinions throughout the process.